I'm tired! Consider COVID-19 a conspiracy, this man almost died after being infected
A 34-year-old man almost died after being infected with COVID-19 which he considered a mere conspiracy theory. To date, he has been hospitalized for nearly five months.
The man named Graham Horsfall was first treated at Warrington Hospital since January 16, after contracting the Corona virus and could barely walk. Although he has no comorbidities, he is predicted to only have a 16 percent chance of survival.
Prior to contracting COVID-19, Horsfall and his family considered the disease a conspiracy theory. He thought it was just part of the government's plan to keep everyone at home.
"My family and I said on Facebook that it was all a (COVID-19) conspiracy and a government plan to keep us all at home and reset the economy," Horsfall said. .
Starting to experience symptoms
Until last January, the father of two had to self-isolate at home after one of his colleagues contracted COVID-19. However, three days later Horsfall's condition worsened, 'gasping for air', and was immediately taken to the hospital.
"Suddenly I couldn't breathe. It was really scary," Horsfall said.
"I panicked at that time. The last thing I did was transfer money to my wife because her condition was not good," he added.
Depends on living with machines
While in the hospital, he had to be put on a ventilator and sedated. Horsfall said that at that time his life had depended on the medical machines in the hospital.
During that time, Horsfall was terrified and wondered if he could recover from the condition he was in. Until he finally woke up in mid-February, with his condition getting worse and feeling confused and dazed.
Horsfall also had to undergo surgery to insert a tube for the airway or a tracheotomy and experienced muscle paralysis. At that time he could only move one hand.
"I couldn't move the other arm, couldn't move the leg, couldn't move the body. I was completely paralyzed," he said.
Started to improve
Horsfall was also unable to speak because of his tracheotomy tube. He was only able to speak again on March 12 after the pipe was removed from his body.
After four months of being treated in the ICU, on May 25, 2021 Hofsfall was finally transferred to the treatment room. He revealed that his muscles were stiff due to lack of movement, so he had to undergo rehabilitation and physiotherapy every day.
"I was walking with an assistive device. Because of COVID-19, maybe the furthest I could travel was about 15 meters. After that, I felt breathless because COVID-19 had damaged my lungs," Horsfall explained.
During Horsfall's treatment, his wife also contracted the Corona virus and experienced mild symptoms. That kept him from visiting Horsfall in the hospital for a few days.
Recently, Horsfall had his first dose of COVID-19 vaccination. He did it because he was afraid that he would not survive and contract the virus again.
"I think they have to be careful. You can't get rid of (the virus). The virus will come back again as it evolves and mutates as a disease."
he concluded.