
Men, Do These 6 Tricks When You Will 'Get Out' Too Fast

Men, Do These 6 Tricks When You Will 'Get Out' Too Fast

Maybe you have been in a position where you are too excited during foreplay or just having sex but it feels like it will 'explode'. Stimulation that is too insistent is indeed risky to make a man finish too early. For most men, it becomes the worst nightmare when making love.

Don't worry about losing before fighting, these six things can save you if you feel you're going to 'get out' too fast.

Change position

Sometimes one position feels so intense that it provokes orgasm. Even though on the other hand, the game has just begun and you still want to have fun. The key is to change positions, reported by Men's Health. When changing positions, the stimulus will be reduced so as to give men a pause to continue to the next session.

1.Short break

Another easy way is to take a break from the hot activity. When you feel it's going to "explode", kissing or flirting for a minute can delay ejaculation. Through kisses and touches, erections can still be maintained but you need a longer time to reach orgasm.
Positive suggestion

It sounds ridiculous, but mental conditions can help delay ejaculation. You can order the brain to delay ejaculation. For example, by thinking repeatedly until the peak moment has passed and you can continue the 'battle'.

2.A sip of water

You need something to divert energy and attention, drinking can be the solution. Put a glass of water beside the bed. When the game gets hotter and you feel you will reach the top, drink a sip of water. This method can give a break from the hot position. After a quick sip of water, you can go back to making love.

3.Focus on partner

Slow down the moment needed to delay orgasm. For that, this trick can be launched without making your partner feel you are buying time. You do this by stopping penetration to focus on your partner. Give your partner oral stimulation or other foreplay for several minutes. That way, he still feels the pleasure of making love and you can continue to the main menu for longer.

4.Use imagination

Again, you can 'set' your mind to shift focus. The way is by imagining something that isn't really. Something that is not sexual, like someone you don't like, something that's disgusting or anything that can make you feel ill.
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