
6 Ways to Keep Sex Aroused Amid the Rage of the Delta Variant


Sexual health is not a taboo subject to discuss. The intimate parts of women and men must be kept clean to avoid disease.

Sexual health and well-being is defined as a physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual state related to sexuality.

Discussions about sex are always stigmatized because they are considered taboo. Finally, many people are embarrassed to talk about it openly.

This will be difficult when they have sexual problems. In the midst of this pandemic, sexual health problems are increasing for various reasons.

The main factor is the increase in stress hormones due to job loss, the economy declines, and the lack of socialization.

This stress hormone can reduce libido which affects the quality of time with a partner.

Some problems that can affect sexual health include reproductive system disorders, infertility problems, urinary tract infections, venereal diseases, to loss of sexual desire.

Sexual health is also related to sexual hygiene. If the cleanliness of the intimate part is maintained, it will not bring disease.
Start changing your lifestyle by following the six tips below, summarized from india.com.

1. Shaving pubic hair

Shaving pubic hair is very important to prevent bacteria from accumulating. Avoid using razors so as not to irritate the skin.

2. Use moisturizer before shaving

Moisturizer must be used before shaving pubic hair. Moisturizer is useful to avoid dry skin and skin irritation.

3. Maintain the cleanliness of the intimate area

The intimate area should be cleaned regularly to avoid the buildup of bacteria. Avoid using soap when washing.

This is to avoid certain reactions due to sensitivity. Soap can be used on the outside only.

4. Keep dry

The intimate area must be protected from moisture because it can invite a lot of bacteria.

After washing the intimate area, it is highly recommended to always dry the area. If it feels damp, it's time to change your underwear.

5. Choose good quality underwear

When choosing underwear, avoid using synthetic fabrics and choose cotton fabrics. Cotton is considered to be able to absorb sweat and make activities comfortable.

6. Eat healthy food

Consumption of the right foods can reduce sweating and unpleasant odors caused by disease.

Recommended foods such as lemons, oranges, spinach, and green tea. Don't forget to drink lots of water to get rid of bacteria that accumulate in the bladder.

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