5 Habits After Sex That Must Be Avoided So Miss V is Infection-Free
Keeping the genital area clean is very important to maintain its health, especially after having sex. However, in addition to maintaining cleanliness, there are also things that need to be avoided after making love to maintain pubic health.
The reason is, some habits that are done after sex can actually increase the risk of infection. By avoiding infection, you and your partner can prevent unwanted things from happening that can cause pain and discomfort during sex.
Quoted from Healthshots, here are 5 mistakes after sex that should be avoided to prevent infection in the female area.
2. Clean the vagina using a special cleanser
According to Dr. Uma Vaidyanathan, a senior consultant from the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Fortis Hospital, using a special cleanser for the feminine area can cause the skin in the vaginal area to become more sensitive. When cleaning the vagina, said Dr. Vaidyanathan, using plain water is enough.
3. Use wet wipes to clean the vagina
Wet wipes specifically clean the pubic area should also be avoided to clean the genital area after sex. The reason is, most of these wet wipes contain artificial fragrances that can increase the risk of infection and rashes.
"Most specialty wipes contain artificial fragrances and preservatives. Using them increases the risk of infection and rashes," says D Pratima Thamke, obstetrics and gynecologist at Motherhood Hospital.
Often immediately put on tight clothes to sleep after sex? Better not to do it again. Because, after making love, the body will tend to sweat more easily. If you wear tight clothes, especially nylon or synthetic ones, there is a risk of blisters.
Nylon underwear can also cause vaginal itching if the pants come into contact with vaginal secretions. To maintain vaginal health, avoid wearing underwear or tight clothing after sex and choose clothes made of cotton.
4. Forgot to wash your hands
Washing hands after making love is equally important, you know. Because, when making love you and your partner will certainly touch each other's genital area. To prevent the spread of bacteria to other areas, don't forget to wash your hands with soap. Forgetting to wash your hands after sex can increase the risk of bacterial infection.
5. Hot bath
Soaking together after sex does sound very fun. However, this is actually very risky to increase the occurrence of infection. Hot temperatures in the body during bathing can provide an opportunity for bacteria to multiply.
In addition, if bathing is done for too long, then there is a possibility that bacteria can spread to other parts of the body. This is not only dangerous for the female area, but also for the partner's penis