Watch Out! This Is What Will Happen If The Pancreas Is Disrupted
Watch Out! This Is What Will Happen If The Pancreas Is Disrupted
AS one of the organs of the body, the pancreas has an important role to play in endocrine and exocrine functions. Endocrine is responsible for releasing the hormone insulin which then converts sugar into a source of energy for the body. Whereas, exocrine is a gland that functions to remove enzymes, such as mucous glands, oil glands, tear glands.
This enzyme is useful for breaking down food so that it can be digested and absorbed by the body. Healthy pancreatic conditions will produce the right substance in the amount and time. Conversely, the pancreas that has a disorder is not able to produce digestive enzymes optimally so that absorption of food is also disrupted.
Dr. Fajar Firsyada SpB (K) BD, Digestive Surgeon Doctor Awal Bros Bekasi Barat Hospital, explained that pancreatic disease occurs due to an impaired endocrine or exocrine function of the pancreatic organs. "If there is an endocrine disorder of the pancreas, one of them is insulin, causing diabetes mellitus (DM) and if there is a disruption of exocrine function, it can cause diseases such as pancreastitis," said Dr. Fajar.
The causes and symptoms of pancreatic disease depend on the type of pancreatic disease itself, for example DM if there are classic complaints of 3P (polyuri, polidipsi, polifagi). Polyuria is often voiding, especially at night; Polidipsi is a constant thirst; polifagi is overeating.
In addition, laboratory tests show an increase in fasting blood sugar levels and an increase in Hba1c. In type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system attacks the pancreatic cells that produce insulin so that patients with type 1 diabetes need a lifetime of insulin injections.
While in conditions of type 2 diabetes, insulin does not work properly so that blood sugar rises. The pancreas loses the ability to produce and release insulin to the normal level of the body. Unlike the case with pancreastitis.
This disorder is characterized by pain in the abdomen, especially in the epigastric region (upper middle abdomen), and is characterized by increased levels of amylase and blood lipases.
To prevent this pancreatic disease, Dr. Fajar suggested limiting or reducing foods that are high in carbohydrates or sugar, so that the workload of the pancreas is not heavy. "Start reducing carbohydrate foods to reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus. While in the case of pancreastitis, exocrine and endocrine functions are rested by reducing carbohydrate and fat consumption, "explained Dr. Fajar.
If someone has had a pancreatic disorder, the treatment is a treatment that matches the type of problem in the pancreas. For example, in the case of diabetes mellitus (DM), DM therapy includes regulating eating and regular exercise. However, if the pancreatic disease is a tumor or cancer, the treatment is by surgery.
AS one of the organs of the body, the pancreas has an important role to play in endocrine and exocrine functions. Endocrine is responsible for releasing the hormone insulin which then converts sugar into a source of energy for the body. Whereas, exocrine is a gland that functions to remove enzymes, such as mucous glands, oil glands, tear glands.
This enzyme is useful for breaking down food so that it can be digested and absorbed by the body. Healthy pancreatic conditions will produce the right substance in the amount and time. Conversely, the pancreas that has a disorder is not able to produce digestive enzymes optimally so that absorption of food is also disrupted.
Dr. Fajar Firsyada SpB (K) BD, Digestive Surgeon Doctor Awal Bros Bekasi Barat Hospital, explained that pancreatic disease occurs due to an impaired endocrine or exocrine function of the pancreatic organs. "If there is an endocrine disorder of the pancreas, one of them is insulin, causing diabetes mellitus (DM) and if there is a disruption of exocrine function, it can cause diseases such as pancreastitis," said Dr. Fajar.
The causes and symptoms of pancreatic disease depend on the type of pancreatic disease itself, for example DM if there are classic complaints of 3P (polyuri, polidipsi, polifagi). Polyuria is often voiding, especially at night; Polidipsi is a constant thirst; polifagi is overeating.
In addition, laboratory tests show an increase in fasting blood sugar levels and an increase in Hba1c. In type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system attacks the pancreatic cells that produce insulin so that patients with type 1 diabetes need a lifetime of insulin injections.
While in conditions of type 2 diabetes, insulin does not work properly so that blood sugar rises. The pancreas loses the ability to produce and release insulin to the normal level of the body. Unlike the case with pancreastitis.
This disorder is characterized by pain in the abdomen, especially in the epigastric region (upper middle abdomen), and is characterized by increased levels of amylase and blood lipases.
To prevent this pancreatic disease, Dr. Fajar suggested limiting or reducing foods that are high in carbohydrates or sugar, so that the workload of the pancreas is not heavy. "Start reducing carbohydrate foods to reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus. While in the case of pancreastitis, exocrine and endocrine functions are rested by reducing carbohydrate and fat consumption, "explained Dr. Fajar.
If someone has had a pancreatic disorder, the treatment is a treatment that matches the type of problem in the pancreas. For example, in the case of diabetes mellitus (DM), DM therapy includes regulating eating and regular exercise. However, if the pancreatic disease is a tumor or cancer, the treatment is by surgery.
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