
Short Stature Children Not Sure Stunting, What's the Difference?

Short Stature Children Not Sure Stunting, What's the Difference?


Stunting and short bodies are two different conditions. Although both do not make the body tall, not all short-bodied children experience stunting.

Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive due to long-term malnutrition or chronic malnutrition due to non-optimal nutritional intake resulting in disturbed brain and other organs disturbed.

Pediatrician Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Specialist in Children, Dr. Dr. Damayanti Rusli Sjarif said a child is classified as short stature, if the body length or height according to age and sex is below the percentile 3. In addition, the child is said to be stunting if caused by suboptimal health or nutrition conditions.

"All children are short, not necessarily stunting. Must be an analysis because management is different. Stunting is a short stature caused by long-term (chronic) malnutrition. It can be due to insufficient nutritional intake, or because of increased needs for example because the child is sick," said Dr. Damayanti.

Stunting is not just a matter of short stature. Dr Damayanti explained, stunting always starts with weight loss due to lack of nutritional intake and continues with a decrease in cognitive function which results in linear growth barriers. Children weighing less than 10 kg, as much as 50-60% of energy is used for brain development. If the nutritional intake is lacking, the brain will be sacrificed first

"Children who have just experienced weight faltering can experience a decrease in IQ of up to 3 points. You can imagine how many IQs might arise if the child is stunting. Besides impaired cognitive function, fat burning in stunting children is also disrupted. So when children are fed a lot, "Obesity is easy. If traced, people who are now experiencing degenerative diseases may have been stunting," said Dr. Damayanti.

The brain and synapses develop rapidly during the first 1000 days of life or up to 2 years old children. "Until the age of two years, children should not lack nutrition at all, because the impact is irreversible," said Dr. Damayanti. Meanwhile, short-bodied children if there are no problems with brain development and cognitive abilities are still running well in times of growth. That is, short-bodied children experience normal physical and mental growth like other children.

But the difference is, height is less than the average child according to his. Unlike stunting children, children with short bodies do not have the risk of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems. Later, those who are short can also catch up with their friends. To find out whether a stunting child or not is not easy. According to Dr. Damayanti further analysis is needed to find out the condition.

The Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018 shows, the stunting rate for children under five in Indonesia has decreased, from 37.2% (Riskesdas 2013) to 30.8% (2018). However, as many as 18 provinces still have stunting rates of 30-40%, even 11.5% are classified as very short. When multiplied by the number of toddlers in Indonesia, the numbers cannot be said to be small. "What we are worried about is the correlation with the risk of mental retardation," he said.
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