
7 Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, One of which is Slowing Aging

7 Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, One of which is Slowing Aging


The Mediterranean diet has many benefits. Not only does it lose weight, it also slows aging.

Unhealthy diets have contributed to people's lifestyles which in turn lead to health problems, such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer risk and others.

Being overweight can also cause osteoarthritis, and gallbladder problems. However, to lose weight, there are various types of diets that are followed by people and one that is very popular is the Mediterranean diet (read also: Optimistic Properties Lower the Risk of Affected Type 2 Diabetes).

The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet packed with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and olive oil. This diet also has dishes and poultry as a source of lean protein and is considered a lifestyle.
A number of studies have been conducted to explore the benefits of adopting a Mediterranean diet and have been declared beneficial for weight loss, controlling blood sugar and reducing the risk of depression.

Basically, the Mediterranean diet is a diet that is followed by Mediterranean people and has been linked to reduced levels of inflammation, low risk factors for heart attacks and strokes and Alzheimer's disease.

The Mediterranean diet focuses on the pattern and proportion of food consumed. This is a very nutritious diet that combines lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, olive oil, poultry and fish and limits red meat and drinks red wine to taste.

Many researchers have proven that those who follow the Mediterranean diet for several years have lower mortality rates.

Various studies have been conducted to understand the large number of benefits offered by the Mediterranean diet, although it is understood that a diet will help improve health and lifestyle, studies have proven the positive impact of diet on the human body. Here's the review as reported by Boldsky.

1. Improve cognitive function

Diet helps prevent cognitive decline and maintain memory. Some researchers say that the Mediterranean diet is full of antioxidants and by including nuts and olive oil, this helps restore cognitive function in the elderly and keeps them safe from diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

2. Improve heart health

The Mediterranean diet is rich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 foods that are good for the heart. Olive oil and fish contained in the Mediterranean diet help maintain cholesterol levels. It's low in saturated fat and thus automatically reduces the chance of having a heart attack or other cardiovascular problems.

It also protects against the genetic risk of heart stroke because foods that are considered the main causes such as processed bread, red meat, liquor and other types of commercially processed foods are not included in this diet.

3. Treating diabetes

The Mediterranean diet is very beneficial for diabetes because it controls blood sugar. This diet helps fight type 2 diabetes through combining healthy foods that fight diabetes, and also helps eliminate unhealthy food habits that follow (which increases the risk of diabetes).

Diets limit sugar intake, which is a direct aid to the body suffering from diabetes. Following a diet can help increase blood sugar levels and also help you lose weight.

The Mediterranean diet is very rich in dietary fiber which ultimately slows down the digestive process so that it stops the sugar levels in the body from fluctuating intensely and hence provides protection against type 2 diabetes.

4. Manage blood pressure

This diet also helps control the risk of high blood pressure and higher cholesterol levels, keeping the entire cardiovascular system healthy. It has been proven that people who follow this great diet have stronger physical health.

5. Protect from cancer

The Mediterranean diet protects the body from cancer because it is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, rich in fiber and vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants. Some studies have found that the Mediterranean diet helps fight cancer. The women who follow this diet have a much smaller risk of endometrial and breast cancer. In fact, the risk of endometrial cancer decreases by more than half the rest.

6. Good for muscles

This diet strengthens the muscles thereby reducing the possibility of muscle weakness that comes with age. It is also seen that people who follow this diet with regular exercise have relatively stronger muscles.

7. Slow down aging

Mediterranean food is filled with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, lots of extra olives and some red wine to eat. It sounds fancy, but in fact this is the healthiest diet of all and even slows down the aging process because of its antioxidant properties.
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