Garlic Can Inhibit Skin Aging
Garlic Can Inhibit Skin Aging
You might like garlic as a cooking ingredient, but have you ever tried using garlic to improve beauty?
It may sound strange, but garlic is an amazing food that overcomes many problems and is proven to be truly magical to the skin.
Garlic is full of antibacterial, anti-aging properties and is able to cleanse the skin. As reported by the Times Of India, the following 5 surprising beauty benefits of garlic.
1. Helps eliminate acne
All you need to do is chop some garlic cloves and destroy them to become juice. Now, apply juice to the area affected by acne. Let stand for five minutes and clean. You will see that garlic will help reduce redness.
2. Reduction of pores
Crush a clove of garlic, combine with half a tomato and apply paste to the face. Wash thoroughly after ten minutes. This serves to open the pores and cleanse the skin.
3. Reducing stretch marks
Mix the garlic juice with olive oil and massage the hot garlic oil to the scar. Repeat the same for several days and you will realize that garlic works well
4. Overcome skin inflammation
Some people experience red spots on their skin that are scaly, itchy and appear on the scalp, elbows and knees. People can eliminate these signs with garlic application because they have anti-inflammatory properties.
5. Slow aging
It may sound hard to believe, but garlic can delay wrinkles if you take it with honey and lemon in the morning. Just take one clove of garlic and cut it into pieces. Drink with lemon water and honey immediately, after waking up in the morning.
You might like garlic as a cooking ingredient, but have you ever tried using garlic to improve beauty?
It may sound strange, but garlic is an amazing food that overcomes many problems and is proven to be truly magical to the skin.
Garlic is full of antibacterial, anti-aging properties and is able to cleanse the skin. As reported by the Times Of India, the following 5 surprising beauty benefits of garlic.
1. Helps eliminate acne
All you need to do is chop some garlic cloves and destroy them to become juice. Now, apply juice to the area affected by acne. Let stand for five minutes and clean. You will see that garlic will help reduce redness.
2. Reduction of pores
Crush a clove of garlic, combine with half a tomato and apply paste to the face. Wash thoroughly after ten minutes. This serves to open the pores and cleanse the skin.
3. Reducing stretch marks
Mix the garlic juice with olive oil and massage the hot garlic oil to the scar. Repeat the same for several days and you will realize that garlic works well
4. Overcome skin inflammation
Some people experience red spots on their skin that are scaly, itchy and appear on the scalp, elbows and knees. People can eliminate these signs with garlic application because they have anti-inflammatory properties.
5. Slow aging
It may sound hard to believe, but garlic can delay wrinkles if you take it with honey and lemon in the morning. Just take one clove of garlic and cut it into pieces. Drink with lemon water and honey immediately, after waking up in the morning.
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