Drinking Milk, An Easy Way to Start a Healthier Lifestyle
Drinking Milk, An Easy Way to Start a Healthier Lifestyle
Generally every turn of the year, many people make various resolutions to encourage a better and happier life. Both in work and personal life.
However, according to a study of the total people who made new resolutions, only 8% managed to achieve it and from a survey conducted by Inc in the United States of 2,000 people, more than 70% stated that diet or eating was healthier as their New Year's resolution.
Based on the press statement received by SINDOnews, eating healthier foods and drinks is a very good resolution. But often it's not easy to run. If you can't change your healthy diet drastically, you can try it slowly and gradually.
It's like starting with something easy to do. One practical way to start a healthier life is to consume milk every day. It is common knowledge that milk contains lots of calcium and protein.
In addition, milk also contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin K, sodium, magnesium and potassium. Experts suggest that ideally milk consumed every day is pure and fresh milk.
Generally every turn of the year, many people make various resolutions to encourage a better and happier life. Both in work and personal life.
However, according to a study of the total people who made new resolutions, only 8% managed to achieve it and from a survey conducted by Inc in the United States of 2,000 people, more than 70% stated that diet or eating was healthier as their New Year's resolution.
Based on the press statement received by SINDOnews, eating healthier foods and drinks is a very good resolution. But often it's not easy to run. If you can't change your healthy diet drastically, you can try it slowly and gradually.
It's like starting with something easy to do. One practical way to start a healthier life is to consume milk every day. It is common knowledge that milk contains lots of calcium and protein.
In addition, milk also contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin K, sodium, magnesium and potassium. Experts suggest that ideally milk consumed every day is pure and fresh milk.
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